Amazing Coffee Travels


«Amazing Coffee Travels» is the second in a wholly fascinating series of «Tales of a Coffee Expert.»

It is a UNIQUE book of tales about traveling the world to ex-plore coffee traditions. The very best coffee stories from author’s trips to different lands are chosen here. They all focus on coffee, of course, and the countries are seen in terms of their coffee culture.

So, let us embark upon our coffee exploration of Planet Earth.

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Life on our planet is sustained by a magically energizing drink called “COFFEE.” It loyally accompanies us through the day, generously giving up its energy and warmth and changing the lives of people in every corner of the globe.

A really good read about coffee, without the usual tired recipes and myths about frisky goats, is a rarity in today’s Internet age and, after reading this book, we think you will agree it is that happy exception.

The author is a great coffee expert, he has traveled the length and breadth of the coffee globe. First and foremost, however, he is a man in love with coffee, with a lot to tell and an engaging ability to tell it simply and clearly.


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Sobre el autor

Sergiy Reminny, experto en café, propietario de una empresa de café, escritor sobre el tema de café y blogger, cuya audiencia cuenta con e 400.000 personas abonadas en Facebook.

En el transcurso de 5 años, era el primer coordinador en su país (Ucrania) de la Asociación Europea Speciality Coffee (SCAE).

Es lingüista-traductor de profesión, su instrucción en la materia del café la obtuvo en Italia donde pasó mucho tiempo viviendo y trabajando.

Visitó cafetales de todos los continentes, anduvo por más de 100 países del mundo investigando el tema del café.

Es un maximalista por sus convicciones y un fanático de café de por vida.





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